Episode 7 of Season 2 of "The Night Agent" kicks off with a poignant flashback to six years prior, recounting the fateful encounter between Solomon and Jacob. It was in the midst of nowhere, with Jacob's car stranded and helpless, that their paths crossed. While awaiting the arrival of a tow truck, Solomon's guard dropped, revealing the heart-wrenching tale of his sister's hit-and-run. His frustration with the police's half-hearted investigation was palpable. Once rescued, Solomon departed, politely refusing Jacob's offer of monetary assistance. Jacob, however, was determined to aid in Solomon's quest for justice, memorizing his license plate and supplying crucial intel on the perpetrator who had struck his sister. Furthermore, he extended an invitation for Solomon to join him as a driver. The rest, as they often say, is a chapter in their shared history.
Presently, Peter guides Solomon to a secure hideout. Seeking to probe Peter's psyche, Solomon delves into his past, mentioning his father and hinting at Night Action's potential involvement in his investigative endeavors. Catherine urges Peter to disregard Solomon's probing, but Peter reveals that Solomon had infiltrated their communications the previous night. Their suspicions now pivot towards the possibility of Solomon and his boss embedding moles within various governmental departments. Peter offers Catherine an apology for mistakenly suspecting her of being one such mole. Their detective work eventually uncovers the truth: Solomon and his boss are intelligence brokers. Yet, the burning question remains: to whom did they sell the Foxglove intel?
Peter receives a distressing message from Rose, alerting him to Noor's peculiar behavior. He匆匆离去。 Noor confronts Rose for her deceit, only to be joined by Peter, who arrives to apologize and clarify the misunderstandings. Noor's heart shatters upon realizing that Saidi was the one who pulled the trigger on her brother. Worries for her mother's safety intensify, especially with Saidi escorting her to New York. Desperate for reassurance, Noor demands to speak with her mother, but Saidi's phone remains eerily silent. As she exits, Javed, unseen, snaps surreptitious photos of Noor, Rose, and Peter exiting the clandestine basement.
Elsewhere, Tomas deceives his wife, Sloane, claiming business meetings as an excuse to spend the day away from her. She implores him to reconsider working for his father, but her pleas fall on deaf ears. Undeterred, Tomas departs to rendezvous with Markus and his henchmen, utilizing forged documents to gain access to cyanogen. Throughout the delicate operation, Tomas strives to maintain composure and rationality, yet Markus's impatience looms as a potential catalyst for disaster.Returning to Solomon's presence, Cathrine endeavors to strike a bargain with him, proposing a deal in exchange for his betrayal of his boss and the buyer in the Foxglove intelligence saga. However, Solomon steadfastly declines to collaborate, insisting that he will only converse with Peter. Nonetheless, he offers Cathrine a hint, suggesting she delve into the matter of cyanogen. In haste, Cathrine dials Peter back, cutting short his conversation with Rose. Peter concedes he had little option but to comply, whereas Rose perceives their actions towards her akin to Barr's mistreatment of them. Plagued by guilt, she yearns to return to California.
Upon receiving Cathrine's call, Peter and Rose hastily return to their safe haven. Rose reveals that someone has stolen cyanogen, a chemical compound referenced in the Foxglove documents. The likelihood looms that the terrorists are already in motion, aiming to synthesize a deadly poison from this chemical. Peter harbors doubts about their ability to trust Solomon, yet acknowledges they have exhausted their alternatives. Rose volunteers to investigate the professors mentioned in the Foxglove papers, while Cathrine undertakes to follow up on the other materials listed in the files. As for Peter, Cathrine assigns him the task of keeping an eye on Solomon.
As they prepare to depart, Rose queries Cathrine about arranging security for her in California. Subsequently, she sets off to meet with a professor who was once involved in the Foxglove program. Peter attempts to confront Solomon once more, but the latter merely invokes Sutherland Senior's name. Peter deduces that Solomon's loyalty to his boss stems from his sibling's well-being. Outmaneuvered, Peter inadvertently confirms the existence of Night Action to Solomon. Cathrine swiftly intervening, drags Peter away and forbids him from interrogating Solomon until Mosley arrives.
Upon Noor's return to the embassy, Javad promptly summons her and subjects her to an intense interrogation. He weaves a web of deceit, claiming to have discovered her mother and threatening to escort her back to Iran to face the repercussions of her treachery. In a desperate bid to save herself, Noor ultimately confesses everything to Javad and strikes a deal to lure him to Peter.
Across town, Rose seeks out Dr. Cole and inquiries about Foxglove. Initially wary, he eventually relents when Rose clarifies the gravity of the situation. He invites her to his home, where he unveils his extensive notes on Foxglove. Dr. Cole has harbored suspicions that the CIA didn't terminate the program but clandestinely produced chemical poisons, selling them to Viktor Bala. He begins to elucidate to Rose the intricate workings of the chemical.
Elsewhere, the police obtain a clue leading to Markus and his team, but the cunning criminals blast their way out of the second chemical plant they assaulted. Upon discovering the second chemical compound targeted by the terrorists, Dr. Cole manages to pinpoint the specific poison they intend to manufacture. Catherine entrusts Peter with monitoring Solomon while she departs to inspect the crime scene. Seizing this moment, Solomon attempts to persuade Peter to meet with Jacob and uncover the terrorists' identity.
Meanwhile, as Rose prepares to depart from Dr. Cole's residence, she encounters his family. Tragically, her exit is abruptly halted by the arrival of Markus and his henchmen, who aim to abduct the professor. Concurrently, Solomon confides in Peter that the terrorists will target one of the professors to create the poison, with Dr. Cole, who is currently accompanied by Rose, being the nearest. Peter frantically calls Rose to issue a warning, but it proves too late. He overhears the attack on the phone and realizes that Rose is in imminent peril.
Simultaneously, Noor finds herself unable to meet Saidi and her mother at the designated rendezvous point. Saidi contacts Catherine, and the scene transitions to her discovering Peter and Solomon missing. Conversely, Noor and Javad anxiously await Peter's arrival at the meeting spot.