The Sandman – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Jul 03 2024

Episode 3 of The Sandman commences with Dream gracefully descending upon Johanna Constantine's realm. She awakens, startled, in the confines of a taxi, her mind still clouded by a vivid dream involving a man named Logue summoning sinister forces from the shadows. After parting with her fare, she steps out onto the street, only to be cautioned by an aged woman, Hettie, who whispers ominously that Morpheus has returned.

Almost instantaneously, Dream appears, his ethereal presence a stark contrast to the bustling street. He informs Johanna that they have unfinished business, yet she dismisses him with a shrug, her mind preoccupied with an impending exorcism. The demonic presence manifests swiftly, latching onto an unsuspecting man named Kevin. Once its host is destroyed, the demon turns its malevolent gaze towards Johanna. Just then, Dream emerges from the shadows, recognizing the entity as Agilieth, who offers to lead Dream to the whereabouts of his helm. However, Johanna, unwavering, banishes the demon back to the depths of Hell.

The Sandman – Season 1 Episode 3 1

Dream attempts to persuade Johanna to surrender the sand pouch, but she reveals that she had sold it long ago. Lucienne, disregarding Dream's instructions, appears with a raven named Matthew. Dream realizes he can reach Johanna through her dreams, and he delves into her subconscious, unearthing her deepest fears. He waits patiently for her to return to the waking world. As they exchange words, Johanna realizes where Dream's sand may be hidden—in the hands of her former lover, Rachel Moodie.

Johanna insists that Dream remain outside and confronts Rachel alone, determined to retrieve the sand. Matthew, Dream's raven, warns her of the fleeting trustworthiness of humans. Eventually, Dream appears, reclaiming his sand. Rachel lies lifeless on the bed, her fragile existence dependent solely on the sand. Dream accuses Johanna of being the cause of Rachel's demise, pointing out that if she had kept the sand, her ex-lover would still be alive. Johanna, enraged, rebukes Dream until he relents, using the sand to envelope her in a gentle, dreamlike embrace.

Elsewhere, Ethel approaches her son, adorned with the Amulet of Protection that has shielded her for a century and a quarter. John refuses to relinquish it, explaining that he has altered it to serve him alone. Ethel, resigned, removes the amulet and offers it to her son, bargaining for the ruby that adorns it. This amulet has been her safeguard for 116 years, but now she feels her time has come. After embracing her son, she slowly withers and passes away before his eyes.

John departs, only to be confronted by the Corinthian outside. Meanwhile, Dream turns his gaze towards Hell, unwavering in his quest to retrieve his Helm.

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