The Sandman – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Jul 03 2024

Episode 4 of The Sandman kicks off with a dramatic entrance of Dream and Matthew the Raven, as they descend into the depths of Hell, surrounded by howling winds of despair. Undeterred, they opt to trail the cursed path of the Damned. Upon arrival, they encounter Squatterbloat, a demon well-versed in the intricacies of Hell's protocols. Despite his mockery of Dream's lack of royal adornments, the demon reluctantly guides them towards the august presence of Lucifer Morningstar.

Lucifer, a being of immense power, towers over Dream, now vulnerable without his arsenal of trinkets. Amidst Matthew's relentless jests, they press onward, eventually arriving at the base of Lucifer's majestic castle, its imposing walls reaching skyward.

The Sandman – Season 1 Episode 4 1

Lucifer greets Dream with an offer of unity between their domains, but Dream remains steadfast in his pursuit, demanding the return of his Helm. With no other recourse, Dream summons every demon to the gates, soon realizing that the Helm belongs to Choronzon, a Duke of Hell. Holding the Helm aloft, Dream strikes a bargain with the Demon, the stakes high: lose the Helm, and Dream shall become Choronzon's eternal servant in Hell.

In a parallel narrative, New York City plays out a different drama. John finds himself in the kindly cab of Rosemary, the taxi driver who recounts the tale of Ethel's thievery. However, upon stopping at a gas station, Rosemary's resolve falters. She whispers urgently to the cashier, urging him to dial 911. Little does she know, John possesses the amulet, and when the cashier brandishes his gun, the situation spirals into chaos. Blood spills, and John escapes once more, accompanied by a remorseful Rosemary. He chides her for her betrayal but offers her a reprieve, handing over his amulet in exchange for the ruby. As he departs, John leaves behind a promise to change the world.

Back in the fiery abyss of Hell, Dream stands defiant against Lucifer. He sends Matthew back to Lucienne, imparting a message of his fate. The epic duel between Lucifer and Dream commences, a clash of wits and willpower. Matthew's words of encouragement resonate during a pivotal moment, inspiring Dream to settle on "Hope" as his triumphant strategy. Lucifer falls, and Dream is reunited with his Helm, one step closer to reclaiming his kingdom.

Meanwhile, John shows mercy to Rosemary, entrusting her with his amulet as he secures the ruby. As he departs, he leaves behind a solemn vow: to transform the world.

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