In the eighth episode of Tokyo Vice, Samantha and Jake's quest to reunite with Polina remains relentless. Seeking a strategic edge, they devise a plan to utilize Tozawa's publicist as a starting point. Meanwhile, Ishida, Sato, and Kobayashi are immersed in discussions about revenue enhancement strategies. Angered, Ishida strides into the men's quarters, publicly humiliating Koji for his failure to prepare the soup according to his exacting standards.
Miyamoto, sharing his past with Hiroto, reveals how he came to be associated with Tozawa. Trusting Miyamoto's integrity, Hiroto proposes a scheme to bust Tozawa's incoming shipment through deception. Samantha and Jake find Hikari's residence and, after agreeing to exchange meth for information, discover that "Yoshino" is in fact the name of a boat. It transpires that Tozawa employs girls in debt to cater to the desires of government officials and businessmen, using them as pawns to gain favors.
At Ishida's, Koji offers his little finger as a desperate gesture of appeasement, but Sato intervenes, allowing him to leave, reminding him that he's lucky to escape with his life. Miyamoto executes the plan and confronts Tozawa, offering to sever ties but agreeing to maintain the facade to avoid suspicion.
Jake seeks Eimi's assistance in the "Missing Persons" department, hoping to gather information on Polina's whereabouts. However, Akira tricks Samantha, convincing her to hand over all her savings by fabricating a tale of men demanding the money for Polina's safety. Desperate, Samantha turns to Duke, pleading for a bridge loan from Ishida.
Returning home, Jake is confronted by Tozawa's men, who brutally assault him and warn him to stay out of their affairs. His hard work reduced to rubble, Jake feels hopeless and calls home, begging to return. His father assures him that he will personally purchase the return ticket if Jake still desires to leave the following day. Meanwhile, Ishida appoints Sato as the new overseer of Samantha's club, instructing him to safeguard the clan's investment at all costs.
Hiroto's heart sank as he realized that Tozawa had gained knowledge of his and Miyamoto's secret plans. With Miyamoto already "dealt with," Tozawa's ominous words echoed in Hiroto's ears, warning of dire consequences for his family if he persisted in his pursuit.
Sato ventured to Samantha's abode, hoping to rekindle their lost connection. But Samantha remained steadfast, unwavering in her refusal. Unexpectedly, as Sato walked towards his car, a member of his own clan emerged from the shadows, stabbing him relentlessly.
Tozawa departed on a mysterious journey to an undisclosed location, perhaps seeking a cure for his affliction, as he confided in Misaki.
Jake stirred from his slumber, ready to face the day at his office. Outside his apartment, he stumbled upon an envelope with "Yoshino" inscribed gracefully upon it. Horrified, he watched the tape, witnessing Polina's tragic death unfold on screen. The boat's surveillance camera captured every gruesome detail, even the Vice President from Tozawa's birthday celebration in a previous episode.
Without hesitation, Jake hastened to Hiroto, clutching the incriminating tape. Surprised to find Hiroto's house devoid of his family, Jake was reassured by Hiroto's casual invitation, signaling his unwavering determination to continue the fight against the town's criminal underbelly.