In the fifth installment of the sixth season of "What We Do in the Shadows," titled "Nandor's Army," the vampires' whimsical escapades take a dramatic pivot as they embark on a quest to rescue Nandor, who has not only lost his sanity but also his bearings, stranded in the unlikely locale of New Hampshire. This episode masterfully blends themes of loyalty, guilt, and the signature absurdity that the series is renowned for, with Laszlo's elaborate scheme from the previous episode, "The Railroad," aimed at bolstering Sean's self-esteem, paving the way for a profounder exploration of the vampires' interpersonal dynamics and their ripple effects on the humans in their orbit.
Laszlo's unwavering loyalty to Sean is put under the microscope as he confesses the guilt that weighs heavily on him for hypnotizing Sean so incessantly that his mind has been reduced to a mushy state, reminiscent of oatmeal. This heartfelt revelation segues into a meta-humorous nod to the brain-wiping prank in "Sleep Hypnosis," where Laszlo and Colin went to extraordinary lengths to stage a mock interview for Sean, renting out space, procuring office props, and hiring actors for the occasion. This endeavor underscores Laszlo's character, revealing that beneath his bluster and bravado lies a vampire with a heart, albeit one that beats to a rhythm all its own.
The bond between Laszlo and Nadja is further delved into in this episode, with their gothic couple aspirations reaching unprecedented heights. Their declarations of affection in "Nandor's Army" are endearing, albeit in their uniquely twisted Nadja-and-Laszlo manner. Laszlo's comment about Nadja being a "10/10 pussy" might have fallen flat if not for his preceding praises of her humor, sweetness, and beauty. However, his tactless inquiry about whether she's on her period is a colossal blunder that earns him a well-deserved sonic scream from Nadja, launching him across the street. This incident, coupled with her use of the scream to convince Laszlo that he shattered the window of the fireworks store, adds a tender layer to Nadja's character, hinting that she might be a bit of a softie in this final season, despite her demented cheerfulness and fierce reactions when provoked.
Colin Robinson, the energy vampire, thrives amidst the emotional upheaval, finding joy in his "I Heart Trains" coffee cup and embracing his role as a loyal footsoldier in Nandor's crusade against Cannon Capital. Colin's enthusiasm for following Nandor's lead underscores his nature as a follower rather than a leader, and his involvement in the mission to New Hampshire attests to his adaptability and his ability to find delight in the chaos.
Amidst the unfolding drama, the show meticulously retains Jerry's ambitious plan to conquer the New World, which finds itself eclipsed by the more insidious and cunning methods of subjugation employed by Cannon Capital. This episode brings to light the metaphorical "vampire squid" moment, skillfully drawing parallels between Jerry's clumsy shock-and-awe tactics and the more clandestine, vampiric control exercised by the human predators of Cannon Capital. The underlying message is unequivocally clear: in the relentless pursuit to extract every last drop from the New World, subtlety emerges as the ultimate weapon.
The episode is brimming with memorable quotes and clever Easter eggs that delight fans. From the insightful comment on brand equity to the humorous finger food joke, "Nandor's Army" serves as an invaluable repository of humor and profound insights into the enigmatic world of vampires. The hike in the bounty for information on Nandor, from $3 to $5, offers a whimsical nod to his invaluable contribution to the group. References to "Shutter Island rules" and a possible allusion to Major Briggs from Twin Peaks enrich the episode's narrative texture. The lore introduced in this episode, revealing that vampires do not menstruate and, consequently, cannot reproduce, further enriches the show's intricate tapestry of vampire mythology.
In summary, "Nandor's Army" is an episode that dives deep into the labyrinthine relationships of the vampires, their profound impact on the humans intertwined with their lives, and their individual journeys of growth. It stands as a testament to the show's unparalleled ability to blend humor with profound emotional depth, offering a gripping glimpse into the characters' motivations and the repercussions of their actions. As the season unfolds, the stakes rise metaphorically (and quite literally), compelling the vampires to navigate the complexities of their immortal lives with the same wit and absurdity that have cemented "What We Do in the Shadows" as a towering figure in the realm of comedy-horror television.