Episode 8 of Who Killed Sara's gripping second season kicks off the finale with a tense scene where Sara retreats to her sanctuary, toying with the gleaming gold statue from the Lazcano abode. Suddenly, a jarring bang echoes from below, jolting her into action. She rushes to the camcorder, its lens capturing every corner of the room as a testament.
Abel's ominous presence intrudes upon this fleeting tranquility, spilling the family's darkest secrets onto the screen in a chilling confession. His voice laced with threats, he embarks on a frantic chase through the mansion, Sara narrowly escaping his grasp. She barricades herself in the bedroom, only to find Cesar looming at the threshold, gun in hand. A desperate struggle ensues, ending with Abel's grasp tightening around Sara's throat outside, his blade poised for the final strike. Just as hope seems lost, Cesar's bullet pierces Abel's skull, ending the nightmare.
Alex, witnessing the harrowing footage, meets Elisa's gaze as she reenters the house, a somber Nicandro and Marifer in tow. Marifer's eyes widen with disbelief as she watches Abel's confession unraveling the truth about Sara. Refusing to accept the reality that Sara could be her sister, she dismisses it all as a twisted fabrication, her emotions spiraling out of control. She flees the house, heart racing, the car's engine roaring as she seeks escape.
Flashbacks peel back the layers of Marifer's turmoil, revealing the fateful moment when, fueled by anger and frustration, she severed the parachute straps, unaware of the devastating consequences. Shattered, Marifer returns home to find Mariana, her voice trembling as she confesses to Clara their grave error. In a fit of despair, she grasps for a gun, only for it to discharge accidentally upon hitting the floor, striking Clara in the chest.
Chema's world collapses when he learns of Clara and her child's tragic demise. Grief-stricken, he rushes to the hospital, Mariana's anguish mirroring his own as they both grapple with the irreparable loss. Frustrated by the police's ineptitude, Chema fulfills his promise to Alex, storming into the police station. With a heavy heart, he confesses to Moncho's murder and, astonishingly, claims responsibility for Abel's demise as well.
Alex, left to sift through the aftermath, stumbles upon security footage that shocks her to the core. Elisa, armed with gasoline, strides into the casino, her resolve unwavering. She ignites the inferno, trapping herself within as the flames greedily consume everything in their path, painting a tragic portrait of vengeance and self-destruction.
Alex and Rodolfo sprint towards the casino with urgency etched on their faces. Alex darts inside, determined to rescue the girl from the fiery inferno, his every move fueled by a fierce sense of duty. As he reaches for her, Marifer appears, her confession of Sara's murder echoing through the chaos, shattering Alex's composure. Enraged, he confronts her, only to witness her transform into a sinister villainess, attempting to seduce him with promises of salvation—hers, at Elisa's expense. But fate intervenes as debris collapses upon her, engulfed by the relentless flames.
Employing his prowess in parkour, Alex weaves through the conflagration, escaping the fiery trap and emerging into the open air. The once-proud casino stands now as a charred husk, its demise mirrored in Rodolfo's triumphant grin as he watches his father's empire crumble.
Elisa, meanwhile, receives news from Chema, who strives to justify his actions as self-defense, a quest fraught with difficulty. The Abel mystery, however, deepens into a labyrinth of complexities, its resolution hinging upon a miraculous return—Cesar's. Yet, Cesar remains unaware of the drama unfolding, indulging in casino glamour and the company of women on a distant island, his thoughts fleetingly touching upon the dream of fatherhood and naming his son Alex.
Back in the realm of reality, Nicandro delves into the recesses of a doctor's office, meticulously sifting through files. His search leads him to Sara's medical records and a photograph of Dr. Alanis, the guardian of her health. Over the phone, his tone betrays gratitude as he thanks the doctor for his efforts, before dropping a bombshell—Marifer is not the culprit. The true perpetrator remains shrouded in mystery, though whispers hint at Nicandro's involvement, a revelation that tantalizingly teases the prospect of a third season, leaving the audience yearning for answers.