Why Women Kil – Season 2 Episode 7

Published: Jul 16 2024

Rita's dreams were finally materializing, but just as she envisioned a lifetime of bliss, a swarm of police officers descended upon her with a search warrant in hand. Catherine had summoned them, eager to unravel the mystery surrounding Papa's untimely demise. An autopsy served as Catherine's final tribute to her father.

Why Women Kil – Season 2 Episode 7 1

As Rita carelessly flung her purse before the officers, a gargantuan syringe came to light, incriminating her. She was promptly arrested and escorted to the precinct. Alma observed the scene from afar, her face etched with a mischievous grin.

Alma was in high spirits, but Bertram was not. He fretted over Rita, praying she hadn't succumbed to the euphoria of Carlo's demise. Dee, on the other hand, wanted to introduce Vern to her parents over dinner, proudly announcing that he was her significant other. Her parents rejoiced, embracing the news of her engagement, initiating a heartfelt family hug. Alma had been praying to St. Jude, the patron saint of hopeless cases, for Dee to find love.

Rita's family attorney was unable to represent her, as Catherine had engaged his services a week prior. Catherine also ensured that Rita would remain incarcerated without bail. Women at the veterinary clinic buzzed with the news of Rita Castillo's arrest for her husband's murder. Bertram was stupefied, unable to believe the allegations.

Rita called, and Isobel answered the phone. Catherine instructed Isobel to procure cash, photographs from Vern, and devise a scheme to extort Catherine. Catherine eavesdropped on the conversation, her ears pricked.

Bertram sat at home, stunned by Rita's arrest. He was perplexed by Alma's lack of distress, determined not to let Rita languish in prison. Alma, however, was convinced that events would unfold as destined.

Vern hoped to impress Dee's parents, showcasing his love and nobility towards the pregnancy. Yet, Dee intended to keep this news to herself, until the wedding vows were exchanged and the rice was thrown. Catherine lay on the couch, pretending to slumber as Isobel departed. She sprang into action, rushing to Rita's room to search for the incriminating photos. The room was left in disarray as she realized she must also inspect Isobel's chamber.

Nothing of significance was found, but a stack of letters in a suitcase elicited a cunning smile from Catherine. Isobel delivered the cash and the promise of a visit to Rita in prison, unaware of the intricate web of deceit that was being spun.

Across the dining room, the ladies indulged in their midday libations, their whispers and gossip centered around Rita. Alma observed from afar, making her way to the restroom, intercepting Mavis to spread her poisonous seeds. "She actually did it," Alma hissed, her tone dripping with malice. She recounted her kitchen conversation with Rita, claiming she had uncovered the truth then, but dismissed it as mere chatter. Now, however, she realized her intuition had been spot on.

Vern pondered the possibility of Rita's involvement in Carlo's demise, acknowledging she had the means but never the motive to be upstairs when her henchman struck. He knew she wasn't a fool. She begged for his assistance, yet he hesitated, knowing he had to first clear it with his girlfriend.

Isobel brandished the incriminating photo, her intention to blackmail Rita into securing her bail. But Rita had no intention of returning to Texas, her self-confidence swelling as she believed her curves surpassed even the flattering image. Unlike Isobel, who clung to letters recalling their previous murder of Harry in Galveston, Rita had no sentimentality for the past. Enraged, Isobel quit on the spot.

Scooter pondered Rita's role in the crime, shocked to find Catherine still engaging him in conversation. After their intimate encounter, he had devised a plan, one that had kept Catherine sufficiently distracted while Rita carried out her scheme. He realized he should cease his visits, fearing he might become a suspect, his mere presence lending an air of guilt. With a wave goodbye, he departed, bidding farewell to his aunt Rita.

Vern arrived late for dinner, flowers in hand, heaping praises on Rita's lush garden. When he revealed his profession as a detective, Alma's heart skipped a beat. But she quickly recovered, reassuring herself that as a private detective, he posed no threat to her carefully crafted schemes.

Dee is intrigued by his latest client, a detail he intends to reveal to Alma later. Perhaps she would find it amusing, but more likely, not. Alma holds a special fondness for Vern and cherishes the hope that Dee's engagement will be lengthy, affording them ample time to acquaint themselves with him. Dee will soon have to disclose the rationale behind their haste to tie the knot.

Bertram and Alma speculate that Rita is Vern's client, a revelation that stuns Alma. She finds it hard to believe. Vern expresses his apologies, knowing Alma's disdain for Rita. Bertram is equally astonished. Vern then drops a bombshell, sharing news about the syringe filled with the poison that claimed Carlo's life.

Rita now shifts the blame to Isobel, who, in turn, decides to flee to parts unknown, purchasing a bus ticket on the spot. Rita is incredulous, having even offered her a job as a maid. Isobel retorts, resigning from her position.

Bertram feels betrayed, realizing that Alma had manipulated him as a pawn in her murderous scheme. As Alma and Bertram stumble upon Vern discussing the baby, their faces reflect a mutual sense of disappointment, their expressions alternating between shock and dismay.

Alma attempts to steer Vern towards a different career path, but he's at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond. Catherine divulges the photos to Scooter, perplexed about how he came to know of them. Did she attempt to blackmail him as well? She can't fathom Rita dragging an innocent man into her vendetta.

Catherine is relieved that he's not angry with her. With everyone gone, she'll be left alone in the desolate, frigid house. She needs a reason to greet each morning, and having someone to care for would suffice. He wouldn't want her to be lonely, she thinks. He offers to kindle a fire, but realizes that one is already burning.

Dee dismisses Alma's concerns about Vern's career prospects with a lighthearted laugh. Both of them acknowledge that Alma's unease stemmed solely from learning that Vern's new job involved Rita. However, Dee insists that he should accept the position, for they desperately need the funds. Moreover, Alma would never warm up to Vern, her new son-in-law, regardless of the situation.

Bertram vents his anger towards Alma for the murder, unable to comprehend that Rita's cruelty towards her was the sole motivation. He declares that he will sleep on the sofa tonight, but Alma remains unperturbed.

At the break of dawn, Vern knocks on Rita's door. He announces his decision to take on the case, much to her surprise. She demands a comprehensive list of her enemies, foreseeing a lengthy one.

Grace arrives at Alma's, determined to nominate her for the club again. This time, she vows to make a stronger effort to ensure Alma's acceptance.

In a hotel room, Isobel's eyes catch a photograph framed with Alma's face. It signifies a promising business opportunity that has unexpectedly arisen.

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