Why Women Kil – Season 2 Episode 8

Published: Jul 16 2024

As Rita's sordid criminal record is unveiled in the opening monologue, it's shocking to realize she's now incarcerated for a crime she vehemently denies. Her lawyer, a master storyteller, decides to redirect the murder's blame onto Isabel, ready to sacrifice his client's cousin in a heartbeat.

Why Women Kil – Season 2 Episode 8 1

Alma, glowing with confidence, chatters merrily with Mrs. Yost, boasting that crushing enemies is her ultimate beauty secret. Little does she know, it's Grace who retorts, bringing glad tidings: Rita's expulsion from the garden club, paving Alma's path to glory. Alma mocks the grave, urging Mrs. Yost to roll in it with her newfound status.

Catherine, accompanied by her loyal butler Otto, explores Rita's belongings, hoping to uncover clues of her lover. Her departure leaves a bombshell in Scooter's lap, unaware that he'll soon be packing his bags.

Eager to share her good news with Bertram, Alma is met with concern for Rita. Their argument flares, but Dee's interruption brings a new revelation. Outside, she watches Rocco digging relentlessly in the flower bed, only to be interrupted by Vern's detective friend, who seeks Mrs. Yost's nephew regarding her mysterious disappearance. Dee is stunned, having believed her mother's tale of a trip.

The news that Mrs. Yost's car was found submerged in a lake north of town compounds Dee's shock as Rocco's excavations intensify. Isabel appears at Vern's doorstep with incriminating information on the murder. She demands 20,000 dollars to keep her silence and free Rita, revealing only that the evidence lies in his photos.

Dee, disillusioned by her mother's silence, shares the news with Alma, who attempts to distract her with the promise of garden club membership. Alma's poetic monologue about her life's newfound splendor fails to console Dee.

The ladies gather, gossiping maliciously about Rita while urging Alma to speak. Prepared with a well-crafted speech, Alma addresses the gathering, her words resonating with truth. Suddenly, Isabel appears with an urgent matter, offering a photo in exchange for 20,000 dollars in cash. Her silence is now up for sale.

Catherine desperately requires Scooter's assistance in her quest to uncover Rita's lover, and Scooter knows precisely where to turn. Behind Carlo's masterpiece, a concealed hole in the wall holds all the incriminating evidence. With tender care, Scooter retrieves it. Catherine then asks Otto to descend the stairs and investigate what's keeping Scooter occupied. Otto discovers the evidence in flames.

Rita paces nervously in her cell, pondering whether to implicate Isabel. Her arm is encased in a sling, apparently the result of Harry's brutal beatings. As Harry prepares to strike Rita again, Isabel, who had tried to jump him, shoves him to the ground, and she shoots him in the back.

Bertram is panic-stricken by the mess Alma has dragged them into. Alma's proposed solution? They should permanently silence Isabel. This sends Bertram fleeing from their bedroom to the guest room, where he'll only return when Alma's plans become less lethal.

Dee visits Mrs. Yost's nephew and learns that she was also robbed. Whoever committed the robbery likely also murdered her. Dee hears enough to suspect her own parents, given that the lavish French pitcher hangs prominently in their living room, and other missing items adorn their home.

Vern visits the mansion to see Catherine, greeted warmly by Scooter, who shares the depth of his feelings for Catherine. Before leaving, Vern makes a request of Scooter: to forget about Dee. And just before Vern departs, Otto extracts Scooter's old address from him.

Alma devises a plan to acquire the $20,000. When she suggests selling Mrs. Yost's possessions to resolve their issues, Bertram is incredulous that she would propose committing another crime to cover up the first.

Dee is desperate for clarity about Mrs. Yost's mysteries. Bertram, in a moment of panic, throws Alma into the line of fire. Left to explain, Alma reveals that she borrowed some of Mrs. Yost's possessions to dazzle the Garden Club, but Dee remains indifferent. As soon as Mrs. Yost's nephew departs, Dee hastily returns the items.

Rita, meanwhile, is lost in reminiscing about the blissful times she shared with Isabel, who always had her best interests at heart. She recalls Isabel's arrangement that led her to Carlo, a potential escape from her sordid life in a brothel.

Catherine, desperate for answers, bribes the manager of Scooter's former apartment, discovering that he was indeed Rita's lover. The revelation leaves her devastated.

Dee springs into action as the nephew exits. Just as she's leaving the house, Irving returns, having forgotten his wallet. He casually mentions that he's looking for Rocco, unaware that Dee is shaken by the news of Mrs. Yost's sister's passing.

Irving notices the closet door ajar and peeks through the window, catching Dee sneaking inside. An uneasy suspicion arises.

Vern calls Isabel, aware of her intentions and eager to reveal Rita's fate. He begs her to do the right thing by Rita and share the photograph with him. Isabel agrees, but only after she secures her payment.

Alma visits Bertram at his office, reflecting on her recent blunders. She expresses profound regret and begs his forgiveness. Bertram reveals that he has emptied their accounts and borrowed from an old friend to make ends meet. Alma assures him that they'll overcome this obstacle, professing her love for him as she gently touches his face. Unbeknownst to him, she's holding a bottle of his poison.

Catherine and Scooter engage in a heated confrontation while Otto sits outside, sipping a martini. Scooter admits that he was merely playing a role, acknowledging that Catherine possesses all the qualities Rita lacks: warmth, love, and kindness.

She yearns for him to testify against Rita, a move she believes will validate his affection for her. As a reward, she vows to lavish him with unparalleled care. Otto, however, finds himself in need of another alcoholic respite.

After relentlessly pondering the question of Isabel's potential guilt, Rita shifts her focus to a different puzzle: Why did Isabel harbor such hatred towards her? A memory surfaces, taking us back to the day Isabel arrived at the mansion. Carlo imposed certain terms for Isabel's stay, making her their servant. Rita intended for this arrangement to be temporary, lasting until Carlo's demise, at which point they would be liberated, and Rita could repay Isabel's kindness with her own care.

As Isabel pens a postcard, Alma and Bertram arrive, demanding the photograph and its negative. Isabel, however, insists on counting the money first. She decides to retain both the money and the photo, anticipating Rita's possible need for them. This defiance prompts Alma to thrust a needle into Isabel's neck. While Alma and Bertram quarrel, Isabel's life slowly ebbs away. She dies in terror and agony, with no sedative to ease her suffering, no tenderness to soothe her spirit. Alma is indifferent, as Isabel had been blackmailing them.

Bertram, enraged, orders Alma to the car so he can bid a proper farewell to Isabel. Alma protests, claiming incomprehension, and Bertram realizes she never truly understood. His eyes catch the postcard on the table, and he utilizes it to craft a suicide note, a ploy to extricate them from the looming trouble.

They speed away mere seconds before Vern's arrival. He discovers Isabel's lifeless body on the bed, the confessional note lying beside her. It reveals her guilt in Carlo's murder. Rita refuses to abandon Isabel, shocked by the news of Alma's suicide. She cannot fathom it.

Meanwhile, Dee is engrossed in her investigation of Mrs. Yost's disappearance, jotting down clues. Rocco interrupts her, needing to go outside, and Dee assists him in retrieving a bone from the garden. Little does she know, the bone belongs to Mrs. Yost, whose face appears remarkably intact. This revelation sends Dee's world into a tailspin, as she scans the neighborhood, fearing who may have witnessed her actions.

Rather than confront her parents, Dee rushes upstairs to call Vern. She is desperate to marry him immediately, yearning for an escape from this tumultuous household. She hastily packs a bag and, with a final glance backward, flees the house.

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