Why Women Kil – Season 2 Episode 9

Published: Jul 16 2024

Alma, a prominent member of the illustrious Elysian Garden Club, renowned for its extravagant parties and Alma's ubiquitous popularity, found herself in a peculiar predicament. Despite possessing all she had ever desired, a profound sense of dissatisfaction lingered. When the topic of the club's presidency arose, Alma subtly hinted at her aspirations, yet her demeanor betrayed a façade of indifference. Joan, however, did not share Alma's conviction, doubting her suitability for the role, a sentiment that Alma found deeply distressing.

Why Women Kil – Season 2 Episode 9 1

As Alma and Joan both declared their intentions to run for presidency, Alma's expression betrayed a sinister foreboding, as if Joan's fate was already sealed.

Meanwhile, Bertram struggled to reach Dee, newly wedded to Vern. His visits were abruptly terminated by Vern's excuses, yet Bertram could sense a profound turmoil within him. Vern was perplexed by Dee's reluctance to confide in him, fearing the implications for their unborn child if she continued to estrange herself from her parents.

Rita emerged from jail, dressed in a garish ensemble, her heart heavy with the loss of Isabel. Yet, her eagerness to return home outweighed her grief, as she had regained her place in Carlo's will. With vengeance in her heart, she planned to evict Catherine from her newfound paradise in Texas.

Catherine and Scooter braced themselves for Rita's return, Scooter's concern evident as he feared Catherine's intentions towards Rita. Catherine, however, assured him that her plans were both delicious and guilt-free.

Alma embarked on a campaign, soliciting votes from club members. Her first stop was Grace, who sympathized with Joan's challenging year and pledged her support accordingly.

Dee returns home, transformed into a new version of herself, Alma. However, her curiosity about Mrs. Yost's presence in the garden is abruptly stifled by Alma's silence. Vern receives the autopsy results of Carlo and Isabel, uncovering a commonality in their deaths. He realizes that only a doctor could have procured the medication found in their systems.

Alma weaves a web of lies for Dee, explaining that Mrs. Yost, spurned by Bertram's affair, attacked Alma with a knife. In a fit of rage, Bertram pushed her out the window, where she met her fate on the garden shears. Alma convinces Dee to keep this secret.

Rita arrives at Catherine's home, armed with knowledge of her sordid past in prostitution and Harry's murder. However, Rita learns that Harry survived the gunshot, and she was never truly married to Carlo. Catherine, outraged, shows Rita the door.

Rita encounters Scooter, who intervenes on her behalf, urging Catherine to treat her with kindness. But Catherine remains unmoved. Alma enlists Joan's fired assistant to spy on her rival, discovering that Joan frequents the Sunset Palace Hotel every Tuesday and Friday at 1:30 pm.

Vern visits the pharmacy, determined to uncover who would procure the specific combination of drugs found in Carlo and Isabel's bodies. The answer shocks him: Bertram. Vern consults his detective friend, who advises him to follow his heart, but also to do what's right. Vern fears that if he reveals the truth to Dee, she might ask him to overlook Bertram's crimes.

Rita begs to stay in Joan's guest room, but Joan refuses. Bertram, deep in conversation with the singer he murdered, is startled when Dee confronts him about Mrs. Yost's death. Despite Bertram's disbelief, Alma's fabrication stands. Dee insists on a proper burial for Mrs. Yost, demonstrating her enduring love for her father.

Alma was stealthily keeping an eye on Joan in the hotel's shadows. Grace, her accomplice, stood by her side. Vern urgently dialed Mrs. Philcott, desperate to reach Alma immediately. His tone was urgent, claiming it was a matter of utmost importance that couldn't be delayed. But Alma hung up on him, unmoved.

Scooter sneaked into Rita's bedroom, where Catherine was busy packing her belongings. Catherine's suspicion grew, but Scooter deftly diverted her attention by asking her and Otto to prepare a meal for him.

Rumors of Rita's involvement in prostitution at Mavis' birthday party spread like wildfire. Alma, seizing the opportunity, began to needle Grace and Joan with her newly acquired knowledge.

She threatened Joan, blackmailing her to withdraw from the presidential race and endorse Alma instead. Alma declared triumphantly that she was finally in control of her own fate. When Joan tried to leave, Alma unleashed her fury.

Joan pulled Grace aside for a private conversation. Dinner was ready, but Scooter was dashing to the store. Otto and Catherine noticed him carrying a suitcase and Otto intended to follow, but Catherine knew exactly who Scooter was meeting.

Dee returned home, eager to talk, but Vern was nowhere to be found. She found a note, informing her he was on an important case and wouldn't be home late. Meanwhile, Vern was breaking into Alma's house.

Joan withdrew from the race and endorsed Alma, shocking Mavis. As Alma ascended the stage, Joan's gaze was one of pure misery. And when Joan turned away, it seemed she had a plan in motion for Alma.

Bertram hoped to procure more alcohol for his journey home. Alma stumbled upon Vern in her house, drugs in hand. She was stunned.

Rita was elated when Scooter arrived with clothes and cash, proclaiming he would never desert her. But his promise was short-lived as he left her behind. Scooter praised Catherine for her kindness, causing Rita to reflect on her own shortcomings. She acknowledged she wasn't always nice to him, but claimed her complexity stemmed from a desire for people to envy her, as that was the only time they treated her right—when she possessed something they desired.

Rita lamented that God had taken everything away to teach her a lesson. Otto concurred, offering to remove Scooter's belongings from the house immediately. Catherine approached Scooter and Rita, who were embracing. Though Scooter spoke truthfully, Catherine was weary of deceit and deception. She drew a gun, aiming it at Rita, but Otto intervened, causing her to shoot Scooter and Bertram instead.

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