Wilderness – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Jun 14 2024

In the third episode of Wilderness, a window into the past opens, revealing Will's meticulous preparations for asking Caryl for Liv's hand in marriage. He invested countless hours and immense effort, yet Liv somehow managed to shatter his carefully crafted surprise proposal.

In the present, Liv awakens to the stark realization that she has taken Will's life. In a panic, she frantically erases any trace that could implicate her as the killer of her beloved partner. She even crafts an entire speech, outlining what she will say to explain the unthinkable.

Not long after, Will knocks on the door, and Liv initially thinks it's a figment of her traumatized imagination. But as the knocks persist, it becomes apparent that he is indeed still alive.

Will apologizes profusely for his actions the night before, justifying his behavior with the excuse that he was drunk. This prompts Liv to muse that perhaps she was also too intoxicated to realize that she was imagining killing Will.

Wilderness – Season 1 Episode 3 1

As they check out of the hotel, they discover that Cara has vanished without a trace, leaving them with yet another mystery to solve.

Liv discovers a startling revelation: the previous night, Cara had borrowed Will's crimson sweater. The pieces of the puzzle finally fall into place, and she realizes that it was Cara, not Will, whom she had pushed perilously over the edge of the waterfall. Just then, a search team arrives on the scene, eager to commence their mission of finding Cara.

While ostensibly assisting in the search, Liv spots a chain lying abandoned on the ground. She swiftly conceals it in her purse, a telltale sign that it belongs to her. Hours later, the search team makes a grim discovery - Cara, severely injured. She is immediately rushed to the hospital for emergency care.

Will, Liv, and Garth hastily follow, their hearts heavy with concern. In the hospital, Cara briefly regains consciousness, her face pale and her voice hoarse. She confides to Garth that her memory of the fateful night remains a blank. Tragically, her life slips away soon after.

As the police begin to investigate the mysterious circumstances, Liv is wracked with guilt. Tears streaming down her face, she calls her mother, Caryl, seeking comfort and advice. Caryl, unaware of her daughter's grisly secret, offers words of wisdom, urging her to face the truth.

Later, Will approaches Liv with a bombshell confession - he had been involved in a secret affair with Cara. Desperate, he begs Liv to be his alibi when the police question her. Torn between loyalty and conscience, Liv reluctantly agrees.

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