Wilderness – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Jun 14 2024

Episode 4 of Wilderness kicks off with Will and Liv's relationship hanging by a thread. A tense confrontation ensues as Liv interrogates Will about his affair with Cara, seeking clarity amidst the wreckage of their love. She comes to the realization that Will's feelings for Cara were never genuine, but Cara's love for him was undeniable. Heartbroken and enraged, Liv storms out of the bar, tears streaming down her face, leaving Will alone with his guilt.

Liv's conscience soon begins to haunt her, and she finds herself haunted by Cara's presence everywhere she goes. Unable to cope with the weight of her guilt, she turns to alcohol, drowning her sorrows in a sea of booze. But as the alcohol fails to numb the pain, Liv seeks solace in the arms of a priest. He offers her a morsel of comfort, justifying Cara's death as an accident, reminding her that she had no intention of harming her.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Liv returns to the bar where Will is drowning his sorrows in a sea of his own. He's stunned to see her in such a fragile state, her once-bright eyes now clouded with sadness and regret.

The next morning, Liv's passive-aggressive demeanor towards Will persists, a thin veil of civility barely covering the simmering tension between them. Will, unaware of the emotional turmoil raging beneath the surface, forwards Bonnie's invitation to Liv, inviting her to join them at the office to toast Cara's memory.

Wilderness – Season 1 Episode 4 1

As Liv and Will arrive at the office event, Bonnie raises a toast to Cara, but Liv struggles to hide the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. Her heart is heavy with guilt and sorrow, and she finds it difficult to participate in the festivities. Then, a bombshell drops - Will discovers that the police are investigating Cara's death as a murder. Shocked and horrified, he rushes to Liv's side and they flee the scene together, leaving the cheerful atmosphere of the office party far behind.

As Liv and Will return home, they hatch a cunning plan to obliterate any trace of Will's illicit affair with Cara. Will confesses to handing Cara the house key, and their secret liaison is further compounded by incriminating emails lurking in the shadows. Swiftly, Will erases all traces of Cara's emails from her office laptop, leaving no digital footprint. Desperate to retrieve the key, Will and Cara embark on a covert mission to Garth's abode. Meanwhile, Liv manages to sneak into Cara's closet, her heart thumping in her chest as she fishes out the elusive key.

However, their troubles are far from over. Suddenly, Detectives Rawlins and Wiseman appear on their doorstep, ushering them to the station for interrogation. During the interrogation, the detectives notice a strange coincidence - Will and Liv's narratives match word for word, piquing their curiosity. To compound their suspicions, the detectives unearth footage of Liv visiting Cara's gym, contradicting her earlier claim of not knowing Cara prior to the trip.

As the episode nears its climax, Garth is arrested for Cara's murder, leaving a trail of unanswered questions. The tense atmosphere is interrupted by a knock on Liv's door, revealing Caryl standing on the other side. The episode draws to a cliffhanger, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats, eager for the next installment.

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