Wilderness – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Jun 14 2024

Episode 5 of Wilderness seamlessly continues the drama from the previous installment. Caryl, Liv's mother, unexpectedly arrives to check on her daughter's well-being. Liv reassures her worried mother that she's doing just fine and that her relationship with Will is smoothly sailing ahead. However, Caryl remains skeptical, unable to fully believe her daughter's assurances.

Meanwhile, Garth is under investigation while in custody. The detectives quickly realize that he's far from being forthcoming about the events surrounding Cara's murder. They also possess incriminating evidence that contradicts his claim of being with Cara at the time of her death.

As Will returns home, he's surprised to find Caryl waiting for him. His main concern is that Liv might have spilled the beans about his affair. In a tense private confrontation, Will confronts Liv, who insists she didn't tell her mother anything, though their exchange is marred by her obvious hostility.

Wilderness – Season 1 Episode 5 1

Later, Investigator Rawlings makes another appearance at Liv's doorstep. Liv attempts to evade the interrogation by claiming she has to leave, but the detective is resolute, insisting on questioning her. During the interrogation, Liv reveals that Garth exhibited possessive behavior towards Cara.

Eager to dig deeper, Rawlings quickly informs Garth of Liv's revelations, hoping to spark a conflict between them. Her strategy is designed to expose more about Liv and catch Garth off guard, but neither of her goals are achieved.

Later that evening, Liv and Will share a cozy dinner, a moment of tranquility in the midst of their lives. Gradually, he weaves his way into her heart, convincing her to embark on a new journey as a family. After a heartfelt exchange, she reluctantly nods in agreement, her resolve wavering but ultimately giving in to his persuasive words.

Meanwhile, Caryl's shadow looms over their privacy, snooping around Will and Liv's abode. Her motherly instincts are on high alert, searching for any shred of evidence that might confirm her suspicions about Will. The next day, she presses a stack of Polaroids into Liv's hands, revealing the contents of Will's secret drawer. But to Liv's surprise, the photos are not of Cara; instead, they reveal a different woman, a testament to Will's past infidelity.

Initially oblivious to the Polaroids, Liv's world is shattered when her mother urges her to return home. In a moment of desperation, Liv confesses to her mother that she accidentally killed Cara, seeing no other escape from the tangled web of lies and deceit. Caryl, heartbroken yet resigned, departs after an emotional exchange, leaving Liv to face the consequences alone.

In the final moments of the episode, Liv confronts Will, demanding answers about the Polaroids. After a thorough investigation, she uncovers the truth: the photos are not of Cara, but evidence of Will's affair with another woman. Will, his defenses crumbling, confesses to sleeping with Cara's best friend, Marissa, before Cara.

But their conversation is abruptly cut short by the unexpected arrival of Garth. Will's confession hangs in the air as Garth brandishes a gun, threatening Liv. In a final, defiant act, Liv lashes out, striking Garth to defend herself. The episode ends on a tense, uncertain note, leaving the fate of Liv and Will hanging in the balance.

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