Wilderness – Season 1 Episode 6

Published: Jun 14 2024

The sixth episode of "Wilderness" opens with a gripping scene, where Liv's confession to detectives Rawlings and Wiseman about the events of the preceding night hangs heavy in the air. Her voice is a complex tapestry of remorse and resolve as she admits to the fatal act of killing Garth in a moment of self-preservation.

The detectives grill her thoroughly, their expressions shifting between skepticism and a fleeting compassion. The tension mounts as they probe deeper into the details of the night, seeking truth amidst her fractured narrative. Finally, after a tense back-and-forth, they reluctantly let her go, leaving her to bear the weight of her actions and face the uncertain consequences that lie ahead.

Will adamantly refuses to let Liv depart when she attempts to return home. She reluctantly confesses to her indiscretion with Ash, a revelation that deeply wounds Will. In retaliation, he issues a chilling threat, vowing to reveal to the authorities that her actions against Garth were not in self-defense if she dares to pursue a divorce. Faced with such a dire ultimatum, Liv finds herself with no other option but to acquiesce.

Wilderness – Season 1 Episode 6 1

Moreover, Will casually mentions their relocation back to London, leaving Liv with no say in the matter. This unwelcome news spurs Liv into acting out in desperation, her heart set on a divorce from Will. She orchestrates a farewell party for Will and his colleagues, intent on humiliating him. During the gathering, she makes a reckless toast that leaves Will red-faced and embarrassed.

Shortly after, she seeks out Marissa, the woman with whom Will had an affair, seeking further vengeance. She lashes out at him, exposing his infidelity to Marissa and heaping more shame upon him. However, Will remains unaffected by her antics, seemingly immune to her attempts to rattle him.

As Liv returns home, she packs her belongings, resigned to the fact that she must accompany Will to London. When Will finally appears, she capitulates, agreeing to embark on a new chapter with him. But just as they are about to board their flight, the detectives arrive at the airport, catching them off guard. It becomes clear that Liv has secretly leaked the sex tape of Will and Cara to the investigators, a move that could potentially destroy Will's reputation and their future together.

After the interrogation, the detectives summoned Liv for questioning regarding Will's involvement. She revealed that Will had coerced her into misleading the detectives about his whereabouts during the fateful night of Cara's murder. Consequently, Will was sentenced to a grueling 25-year imprisonment.

Three months later, the narrative shifts to a new chapter, revealing that Liv has settled in the United States. As she jogged alongside Ash, her serene routine was interrupted by a prison call. It transpired that Will had reached out to her, imploring her to visit him.

Liv's visit to the prison was fraught with revelations. Will revealed that he was aware of her role in Cara's demise, yet he was willing to remain incarcerated as long as she awaited his release. In a twisted game of psychological manipulation, Liv toyed with him, leaving him guessing whether she carried his unborn child.

As the episode drew to a close, it emerged that Liv had penned a novel titled "Wilderness." In it, she candidly confessed that her mother's warnings about the perils of the world were indeed prophetic. She returned to the haunting waterfall, the scene of Cara's tragic end. A concerned man intervened, cautioning her against the dangers of standing so perilously close to the edge. Unfazed, Liv dismissed his warnings with a lecture, leaving the viewer with a haunting cliffhanger.

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