Twins Adam and Daniel Cooper, masters of the uncharted literary realm, have penned an unreleased short story that they now intend to transform into a cinematic masterpiece. The dynamic duo has landed a deal with Amazon MGM Studios for their zombie-tinged comedy film titled "I Used to Eat Brains, Now I Eat Kale." The project will be helmed by Ryan Gosling, alongside his General Admission partner Jessie Henderson, under the banner of their newly established production company.
The twins' 42-page unpublished short story serves as the foundation for this exciting film, with Adam and Daniel set to adapt their own work into a captivating screenplay. The plot details are shrouded in mystery, but the story is envisioned to unfold in a "post-post-apocalyptic" realm, where former zombies strive to find their place in a new world order.
At this juncture, Gosling is not slated to appear onscreen, and the director's chair remains vacant. Nevertheless, the Oscar-nominated actor is currently basking in the success of "The Fall Guy" from Universal Pictures and is poised to embark on his next project, "Project Hail Mary," for Amazon MGM Studios, helmed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller.
The Cooper Twins, renowned for their short film ventures that have traversed various film festivals, have also made a mark in the realm of marketing and trailer editing for studios like Disney, Warner Brothers, Netflix, and Apple. Their exceptional work has garnered them prestigious accolades, including Clio and Golden Trailers awards. Represented by CAA, Aaron Folbe, and Paul Hastings, the twins continue to blaze trails in the entertainment industry with their unique vision and innovative storytelling.