"Extremely Unique Dynamic," a comedy-drama film that garnered laughter and tears at the Frameline Festival in San Francisco, is eagerly awaited for its upcoming release in North America this year. The eagerly anticipated film has been acquired by Strand Releasing, a leading distributor, who plans to bring it to theaters in the late fall.
This U.S.-produced gem chronicles the hilarious and touching journey of two best friends who push the boundaries of their relationship to the extreme while creating a triple-meta movie. After its rousing debut at the Sonoma International Film Festival in March, the film captivated audiences at Inside Out and CAAMFest, leaving them wanting more.
Directed by the dynamic duo of Ivan Leung and Harrison Xu, the film stars Leung ("The Tender Bar"), Xu ("Last Summer of Nathan Lee"), Hudson Yang ("Fresh Off the Boat"), and Nathan Dean ("Ginormo"). Steven Shulgach's cinematography brings the story to life, Michael Scotti Jr.'s editing keeps the pace tight, Nikola Simikic's sound design immerses the audience in the world of the film, and Ian Mackley's original score adds emotional depth.
The film is a product of Heroic Impact, the production company founded by Leung and Xu. Noel Do-Murakami ("Skill House"), a renowned producer, lends his expertise to the project, while Michael Scott Jr. ("Pen15," "Daisy Jones & The Six") serves as associate producer. Katherine Dudas ("Juniper") joins the team as co-writer and co-director, adding her unique touch to the film's narrative.
The rights deal was brokered by Jon Gerrans of Strand Releasing and producer, co-writer, and co-director Xu. Marcus Hu of Strand Releasing expressed his excitement about working with Xu and Leung, praising their debut film for its kinetic energy that perfectly embodies the film's title. He described them as a great filmmaking duo whose work is sure to delight audiences.
Xu and Leung expressed their dream of partnering with Strand Releasing, a company that has always championed diversity and quality in filmmaking. They hoped that their film, which was made with so much fun and joy, would bring the same sense of happiness to the audience.