The eagerly awaited sequel boasts an illustrious ensemble, with Jenna Ortega, Catherine O'Hara, Justin Theroux, Monica Bellucci, and Willem Dafoe taking on lead roles. The latest trailer for 'Beetlejuice: The Sequel' unravels the fresh adventures of Lydia Deetz (Winona Ryder) and her daughter Astrid (Jenna Ortega) in the afterlife.
Astrid, much like her mother, finds herself an outsider. She struggles with a clique of mean girls at her exclusive prep school, who mock her reaction to a Halloween prank. Yet, the teenager retaliates with a sharp remark: "When you're all commuting in carpools and sleeping with your Pilates instructors to fill the emptiness in your lives, let's see who has the last laugh."
However, Astrid does find a new friend, portrayed by Arthur Conti, who introduces her to the legendary status of her mother, Lydia. Meanwhile, Lydia must summon Beetlejuice to safeguard Astrid from the Neitherworld, having dared to conjure the mischievous spirit herself. Surprisingly, Beetlejuice seems to be working in tandem with Lydia this time, as they battle the evil Delores (Monica Bellucci), who harbors a past with the notorious ghost.
Lydia questions Beetlejuice's intentions, asking, "I need you to help me save my daughter, but how do I know you'll keep your word?" He responds solemnly, "I swear on my dead mother's soul," before being engulfed in flames. Lydia also finds support from Rory (Justin Theroux), and together they traverse the afterlife in search of a solution.
Despite Beetlejuice appearing to have toned down his antics, he still harbors plans to marry Astrid, who adorns a gothic silver wedding dress. During the ceremony, he addresses the smartphone-addicted guests, saying, "Thank you all for coming to this special occasion, but we'd like a moment of privacy now." Their faces are then eerily sucked into their devices, a testament to the bizarre and frightful nature of a wedding night in the afterlife.
Directed by Tim Burton and scripted by 'Wednesday' showrunners Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, with contributions from Seth Grahame-Smith, the sequel promises to deliver all the eccentricities and wonders that fans have come to expect from Burton's 1988 classic. The film is set to hit theaters on September 6, where audiences will witness the fresh havoc that unfolds in the mysterious Neitherworld.