Film Factory has acquired the rights to the thrilling revenge action film, "The Gentleman," a collaboration between Spain and Mexico that boasts an international cast headed by the Golden Globe-winning actor, Ron Pearlman. This captivating tale is brought to life by Luis Gabriel Beristáin, whose directorial vision promises an adrenaline-pumping experience.
The film is a joint production effort of the Spanish company Esto También Pasará, renowned for their works like "Ferocious Wolf" and "The Boogeyman: The Origin of the Myth," and the Mexican outfit SDB Films, known for their hit "The Deal." The filming of "The Gentleman" has already commenced in the charming city of San Sebastián, Spain, and is expected to span six exciting weeks.
Uruguay's talented screenwriter Juma Fodde, who has penned notable films such as "You Shall Not Sleep" and "Lobo Feroz," has crafted the screenplay for this movie. It is an adaptation of Carlos Augusto Casas' Spanish novel "Ya no quedan junglas adodnde regresar," which promises to captivate audiences with its intense narrative and thrilling plotline.
Universal Pictures has slated the release of "The Gentleman" in Spain for 2025, promising moviegoers a blockbuster experience that will keep them on the edge of their seats. With a star-studded cast, directed by a masterful filmmaker, and backed by two renowned production companies, this film is sure to be a hit.