The seventh episode of Generation V opens with a sickly Andy, ravaged by the virus, staggering into a chamber filled with supes. His voice is hoarse, yet filled with menace, as he threatens their lives. Indira, her eyes cold and determined, orders Dr. Cardoza to mutate the virus, making it airborne. Suddenly, her phone rings, and it's Cate, begging for a meeting. But Indira, unwavering, tells her to bide her time at her residence, promising to attend the meeting first. Cate, with her unique ability to eavesdrop on thoughts, whispers about Indira, but her words fall on deaf ears. Jordan storms out, Marie trailing behind, both resolved to search for evidence and bring it to Victoria Newman.
Meanwhile, Emma gathers Sam's belongings, intent on incinerating them to erase any trace of his escape. She sternly orders him to stay indoors before departing. Marie and Jordan delve into Indira's private quarters and stumble upon an article chronicling a tragic plane crash that took the lives of her daughter and husband. Suddenly, Dr. Cardoza stumbles in, drunk and mumbling, spilling the beans on Indira's sinister plans. The pair quickly ducks out of sight, eavesdropping on his incoherent ramblings.
Indira convenes with Mallory, outlining her grand scheme and begging for assistance. But Mallory, horrified, rejects her offer to participate in such genocide. Elsewhere, Sam hears noises outside and tentatively opens the door, expecting Emma. Instead, he's greeted by a group of children playing joyfully. They invite him to join their games, and he reluctantly acquiesces, enjoying their innocent fun before they convince him to attend a party where Emma might be.
Polarity appears on television for an interview, but is suddenly struck by a debilitating attack. Andre, watching the broadcast, rushes to his aid, hauling him to the hospital. Emma returns to her room, realizing with horror that Sam has escaped. Inside the ambulance, Polarity's seizure worsens, causing objects to fly around and injuring the security personnel.
The interview continues, with Victoria Newman stepping in to fill the void. She speaks eloquently about the current crisis, striving to broker peace between humans and supes. Marie and Jordan arrive at the theater to meet Victoria, but are greeted by a phalanx of guards at the entrance. Jordan quickly improvises, creating a diversion that allows Marie to sneak inside. But the audience, unmoved by Victoria's conciliatory tone, erupts in violence, vandalizing the theater.
The security personnel escorts her out firmly, but Marie manages to persuade her into a conversation. In the midst of the commotion, Emma locates Sam and escorts him to a secure location. Indira returns to her abode to find Cate seated there, gloveless. Insisting on her taking the pills, Indira is startled when Cate confesses that they only hinder her thinking.
Cate's disappointment is palpable, but Indira reassures her with a plan. She insists that she intends to depart, taking Cate with her, leaving the chaos behind. She convincingly declares her love and care for Cate, promising a better future for both of them.
Victoria engages in a revealing conversation with Marie, disclosing that they share the same blood control abilities. Marie unveils the plan she has uncovered, but Victoria urges her to abandon it and focus on securing a spot in the top seven, where she can exert a more significant impact.
Marie, Emma, Sam, and Jordan race to Indira's house and stumble upon Cate and Indira. Cate forces Indira to reveal the sinister intentions behind her scheme to eradicate all supes. With a flash of her powers, she coerces Indira to slit her own throat with a knife. Swiftly, she employs her abilities to prevent Marie from utilizing her blood-control powers to halt the bleeding.
Victoria meets with Dr. Cardoza and secures the virus contained in a vessel from him. She compliments his work before brutally ending his life, ensuring that no one who knows the secrets of creating the virus survives. As Gen V episode 7 draws to a close, the stage is set for a thrilling climax.