Episode 3 of "Just One Look" kicks off with a nostalgic montage, revisiting a pivotal moment when rocker Jimmy stars in a music video alongside his evident muse, Greta. Enchanted by her presence, he generously extends an invitation, complete with a VIP pass, for her to attend his upcoming concert at the Steelworks. Although she swiftly dismisses any romantic undertones, Jimmy, ever the spontaneous romantic, plants a kiss on her and insists it will be an unforgettable experience.
Flashing back to the present, Kamila finds herself snooping around her neighbor's apartment, now revealed to be Maryla's abode, the deceased woman. As she peers through the windows of intrigue, she catches a glimpse of the murderer returning to the scene of the crime, sensing an eerie wrongness in the air. Alarmed, she dials the police to report a suspected break-in.
However, our cunning kidnapper effortlessly overpowers the responding officer the moment he arrives. Kamila's instincts kick in when the officer fails to reappear, prompting her to call the police again, conveying her growing suspicion.
Meanwhile, Greta embarks on her own investigation, uncovering that Jacek made several phone calls to another individual on the night of his disappearance. This person is Justyna Dudzinska, a councilwoman and activist from Elblong who, shockingly, was discovered deceased a few weeks prior. Intriguingly, her connections seem to intertwine with Jimmy's rock band as well.
At the precinct, Detective Dalewski, though often perceived as disinterested, proves to possess a sharp eye for detail. Scouring through CCTV footage, he spots Jacek's car and decides to elevate the case to an official missing persons inquiry. The police subsequently inform Greta, who, moved by the development, decides to confide in them, albeit cautiously, about the unfolding mysteries. Just how much she reveals remains ambiguous as the scene shifts outside the station, where Borys continues his clandestine surveillance of Greta from afar, his presence a silent testament to the ongoing intrigue.
Borys swiftly catches up with Greta, and together they confront Krystian, the photo developer from the previous episode. Krystian claims ignorance, and Borys seems inclined to believe him. However, Greta remains skeptical. Instead, Borys seeks her assistance in speaking with Syzmon's mother.
Later that afternoon, while Greta is heading home, the kidnapper almost runs her over, having recognized Jacek's car. Thankfully, Kamila comes to her rescue just in time. Kamila's husband hastily exits the vehicle with Greta, determined to chase down the killer. However, the killer is cunning and aware of being followed. Unfortunately, the pair unwittingly walk into a trap, as the kidnapper opens fire on them. He shoots Kamila's husband through the neck, and as he reverses his car in a bid to escape, it crashes. The killer doesn't finish the job, leaving the pair alive but facing an uncertain future.
Kamila's husband is in critical condition, while Greta is plunged into a state of shock once again. It remains unclear whether Kamila's husband will survive his wounds.
Back at Greta's home, Jimmy arrives unexpectedly, revealing that he knows the whereabouts of Jacek. Specifically, he died 15 years ago. He brings up the incident backstage at the concert, hinting at secrets being kept. Given Greta's amnesia and inability to recall the concert, it becomes evident that there is more to this story than meets the eye.
Borys and Greta then visit Alina, Syzmon's mother. She claims ignorance about Jacek but seems to recognize something in her children. What exactly, remains a mystery, as she abruptly slams the door shut and refuses to listen to them.
Meanwhile, Lewinski is released from prison on bail, while Mr. Karol emerges as the apparent ringleader, keeping tabs on everything. He learns of Jimmy's outreach to Greta, raising questions about his connection to the unfolding drama.
As the episode draws to a close, our kidnapper pulls into a petrol station, where Jacek seizes an opportunity to slip away. He dashes through a cornfield, heading towards an uncertain fate.