Shoresy – Season 4 Episode 3

Published: Feb 21 2025

The episode kicks off with a lively scene as Dolo (portrayed by Jonathan-Ismael Diaby), Ted "Hitch" Hitchcock (Terry Ryan), and Brant "Goody" Goodleaf (Andrew Antsanen) are shown engaging in some playful banter with the mothers of the Blueberry Buddies. Elsewhere, in the realm of minor league hockey, Cory (Bourke Cazabon) and Liam (Keegan Long) are Needling Shoresy (Jared Keeso), ribbing him mercilessly about his association with the Blueberry Buddies. Shoresy, ever the quick-witted retaliator, fires back with his signature motherly antics, sparking a comedic back-and-forth that lasts for several minutes.

Shoresy – Season 4 Episode 3 1

Eventually, Shoresy finds himself in Nat's (Tasya Teles) office, locked in a heated debate with her, along with Miigwan (Keilani Elizabeth Rose) and Ziigawan (Blair Lamora). The topic? The Bulldogs' indiscretions with the Blueberry Buddies' mothers. This contentious conversation segues seamlessly into a discussion about the attire worn by the Blueberry Buddies to a seminar on toxic masculinity.

Moments later, Shoresy enters the locker room, where he discovers a bombshell revelation: the Blueberry Buddies wore Faker shirts to their seminar as a joke, inspired by one of their teammates who faked a mental illness to skip conditioning skating and go tubing with his girlfriend. To compound the issue, the other teammates admit to using mental health problems as excuses to skip various activities.

In the meantime, Miigwan and Ziigwan are relaying tales of the Bulldogs' relentless partying to Nat, who handles the news poorly and issues strict instructions to keep the Bulldogs' antics out of the public eye. Meanwhile, the Jims (played by Jon Mirasty, Brandon Noalan, and Jordan Nolan) can't contain their excitement and spread rumors about the Bulldogs' romantic escapades with the Blueberry Buddies' mothers.

Jory Jordan (Maclean Fish), all worked up and anxious, shows up at Shoresy's house, desperate to catch a glimpse of the BROdude set. Shoresy, ever accommodating, takes him to the set where Jory meets Emma (Vanessa Matsui) and manages to worm his way into the show, albeit with a rocky start. Matters only deteriorate when Shoresy learns that Anik Archambault (Kim Cloutier) wants him to discuss fashion on air. Later, over a few beers, Jory attempts to engage Shoresy in a conversation about the show, but Shoresy seems indifferent, displaying a casual disregard for the whole affair.

The Blueberry Buddies arrive at the rink with a palpable sense of dismay, burdened by the fact that they must skate on such a resplendent day. Meanwhile, Shoresy and Nat's conversation about the Buddies morphs into a discourse on how BROdude fails to adequately satisfy Shoresy's cravings. Nat urges him to take up coaching, but Shoresy remains uncertain, believing he lacks the power to make a genuine impact on the game. He responds by commenting on her relentless workload and abruptly exits.

Later, Shoresy finds himself at Laura Mohr's doorstep, recalling her earlier advice to spend more time with the guys out of fear that she might not be able to resist their intimate encounters. Laura retorts that she can easily go without such indulgences for extended periods. To her astonishment, this only ignites Shoresy's passion further, leading to a playful back-and-forth banter that lasts for several minutes. That's when Laura notices the state of his eyebrows – a disarray so striking that she invites him in to tidy them up. As she works on his eyebrows, Shoresy confides in her about his dissatisfaction with BROdude. Laura reassures him that he can pursue whatever he desires, once again encouraging him to join the boys for a party.

The following day, Shoresy takes the Blueberry Buddies tubing with the Bulldogs. Some time thereafter, Shoresy is seen expressing his gratitude to Anik and Emma for allowing him to appear on BROdude. They warmly welcome him back whenever he's in town. Elsewhere, Nat exits the office to dance with Miigwan and Ziigwan. After their dance session, Nat admits to Miigwan that Miigwan – or rather, Ziigwan, as Miigwan corrects – was right; too much hockey can dim the joy one finds in the game.

The episode concludes with Ziigwan appearing and informing Nat and Miigwan that she's secured an invitation for the Bulldogs to a potential party that could eventually pave the way to membership in the exclusive Weird Sudbury. However, she also delivers ominous news: the Jims have gone rogue.

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