The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – Season 4 Episode 6

Published: Jul 22 2024

Episode 6 of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel's fourth season kicks off with Lenny Bruce waking up in a haze, his surroundings a blur. He's in Miriam's abode, and as the confusion lifts, Miriam rushes in to explain. She found him wandering aimlessly, drunk the night before, and took him in for the night. Their encounter remained platonic, but Lenny, now in a slump, warns Miriam to steer clear next time. His current situation has left him distraught, and he even mentions his daughter, a topic they've never delved into as they're both "creatures of the night." Lenny eventually hails a cab and heads back to his own abode.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – Season 4 Episode 6 1

Susie's business is booming, and Sophie sends a flurry of baskets to thank her for reviving her career. With a surfeit of work, Susie delegates tasks to Dinah, who promptly spots Joel and secures his number. Dinah's charm works wonders, and Joel agrees to give Alfie a chance, potentially leading to a monthly string of performances—but only if he impresses.

Sophie thrives in her on-air role, exactly as she envisioned. Abe and Rose are enamored, comparing her to their "new Chaplin," but Miriam isn't pleased. She blames Sophie for derailing her own career, but her parents dismiss her grievances, deeming it "water under the bridge."

Miriam's fridge gives up the ghost, and Zelda is irked she wasn't informed the night before. However, the real drama unfolds in the living room, where Abe (accompanied by his new secretary, Imogene) and Rose argue over workspace. Rose, now playing matchmaker, insists she's working too.

Meanwhile, Susie's workspace is inundated with Sophie's gifts. It's overwhelming for Susie, so she calls her butler (who's returned) and instructs him to return the baskets. Adding to the chaos, Dinah's children run wild in the office. The atmosphere is tense.

At the club, Miriam's fortunes take a turn for the worse. The crowd is deemed "unsavory" by Boise, but the performers behind the scenes are delighted. The new clientele includes more women, who tip generously, benefiting the staff. Drink sales also soar. The misogynistic undertone is palpable, but the finances speak volumes. Susie senses an opportunity and proposes Miriam should receive a cut from the bar tab, as she's the one who brought about the change. The owner agrees to consider it and get back to her.

L Roy Dunham has once again penned a scathing article about Miriam, but Susie urges her to steer clear of it—especially considering the show was quite a triumph. However, Miriam is unwavering in her resolve, determined to confront the author head-on. Arriving at the newspaper office, she's shocked to discover that Dunham is actually a woman, concealing her identity under a male alias. She sees Miriam as a veritable news magnet.

As Miriam attempts to wield her feminist sword, Dunham counters with a sharp rebuttal, highlighting the challenges of being a woman in journalism and how writing about Miriam's shortcomings and struggles as a comedian has bolstered her own career. Miriam is left speechless, eventually retreating in defeat.

Upon returning home, Miriam finds Sophie waiting in her living room, charming her staff. Sophie desperately needs Miriam's assistance to secure Susie as her manager, explaining the barrage of gifts and her unwavering persistence. Miriam, however, is seething with anger and resentment towards Sophie.

Sophie, aware of her financial woes due to hiring a private investigator, proposes a solution: Miriam appearing on her show. This lucrative opportunity would silence Dunham's articles and mend bridges between the two women, allowing Sophie to resume her role as Susie's client. It's a lucrative deal, and Miriam considers it seriously.

Meanwhile, Mei appears at the club, breaking the news to Joel that she's pregnant. Joel vows to support her through this journey, reassuring her that she'll become a doctor. However, the absence of Alfie at the club adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Susie catches up with Joel, who's in a state of turmoil, uncertain if he can proceed with the gig. Susie agrees to handle the rebooking, giving him another 24 hours to get his affairs in order and perfect his performance.

At a Small Business Women's Society meeting, Miriam learns the truth behind the basket with the word "stop" inscribed on it. These women want her to abandon her matchmaking endeavors, arguing that they've already carved out lucrative slices of the pie and there's not enough to go around. They even threaten to expose her strip club gig as a means of coercion.

Later, Miriam takes the stage for a stand-up performance, only to be interrupted by Sophie, who decides to hijack the show. The tension mounts as their jokes turn increasingly vicious, Sophie taunting Miriam about the Shy Baldwin gig, while Miriam retaliates with tales of her drug addiction. Fortunately, the performance is cut short before it escalates into a full-blown feud, but the seeds of future trouble have been sown.

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