The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – Season 4 Episode 7

Published: Jul 22 2024

Episode 7 of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel's fourth season kicks off with Midge excitedly spilling the beans to Susie about a dashing gentleman she's been crossing paths with in the park. The chemistry between them has been electric, and eventually, the two surrender to the inevitable and find solace in each other's arms. As Midge reflects, she realizes she's been too reserved and yearns to embrace more spontaneity in her life.

However, the tale twists unexpectedly. This seemingly perfect stranger is already spoken for, and his enraged wife makes a dramatic entrance, screaming and kicking, just after their intimate encounter. Midge, sensing the imminent danger, makes a swift exit. Why is this significant? As Midge confides in Susie, she requests her dress back, symbolically wanting to put this embarrassing encounter behind her.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – Season 4 Episode 7 1

Meanwhile, Abe encounters a formidable Irish woman named Molly, who demands he address his wife and halt Rose's matchmaking schemes. Fearing the wrath of these formidable females, Abe makes a hasty retreat.

Midge encounters Joel, but he seems agitated. When she discovers he's expecting a child, her joy is fleeting. Miriam reminds him of the significant impact this will have on her life and expresses concern about his relationship with Mei. Distressed to learn that Joel's parents haven't even met Mei, yet they're poised to tie the knot and welcome a newborn, Joel begs his ex-wife to stay silent while he sorts out this mess.

Susie's business ventures are flourishing, and this time, she brings Miriam momentous news. She's secured a coveted gig with a thousand seats in Zagreb, Croatia. However, Miriam turns it down, preferring to stay rooted in the "western hemisphere" and make a name for herself there. Susie is exasperated, insisting there's no better opportunity for her.

On her way out of the office, Midge bumps into Frank and Nicky, who offer to dig deeper into Mei's background. Initially reluctant, Midge eventually succumbs to her curiosity and agrees. Adding to her luck, at the club, Gloria offers her an enticing gig. A high-profile New York fundraiser called "Wives for Kennedy" is imminent, hosted by the illustrious Jackie Kennedy. Miriam is cautioned to steer clear of any inappropriate remarks and exercise caution.

That evening, however, the events take a distressing turn. Miriam heads out to support Alfie's maiden performance, but Susie is apprehensive about the audience. With alcohol banned and the acoustics off, she's a bundle of nerves.

Miriam emerged with her family in tow, just as Alfie ascended the stage and solicited a volunteer. Unexpectedly, Rose stepped forward, the chosen one. Under Alfie's hypnotic spell, Rose replicated Miriam's entire strip club routine, a mockery of Miriam's limited stage time this season. It was absurdly comical yet deeply tragic. Rose recited Miriam's jokes, biting and scathing, aimed squarely at each member of the family.

After the event, Miriam confronted Rose, demanding to know why she hadn't bothered to mention her presence at the Wolford. Rose shrugged it off nonchalantly, claiming she was merely curious about Miriam's act and wanted to witness it firsthand. She confessed to being disheartened with her own matchmaking gig, but Miriam urged her to persist, reminding her that she was happier now than she had been in years.

Back home, a frazzled Frank appeared at Miriam's door, warning her to desist from inquiring about Mei. He begged Miriam to keep their investigation a secret, emphasizing the grave danger posed by Mei's family, a threat that could lead to their demise.

Miriam performed her routine for Jackie Kennedy, but her smooth start soon turned sour. When she mentioned the cheating scandal that had kicked off the episode, everything spiraled out of control. Given Kennedy's association with Marilyn Monroe, the entire affair descended into chaos. Jackie burst into tears, leaving the venue in stunned silence, and Midge stood helplessly onstage, once again at a loss.

Meanwhile, Susie dined with Dinah, only to be distracted by a rambling stand-up comedian named James. Susie saw potential in him and sought him out backstage, offering him sound advice. She even proposed to manage him for six months. The initial discussion about firing Dinah morphed into a lucrative business opportunity, prompting Susie to retain her as her secretary.

As the episode drew to a close, Miriam prepared for bed, catching a glimpse of Lenny Bruce on television, calling for audiences to attend his show. Clearly, she felt a sense of nostalgia for him and mulled over the idea of attending.

Concurrently, Joel summoned the courage to broach the subject of Mei and his predicaments with Moishe. As they conversed at the bar, Moishe suddenly stumbled and collapsed.

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